Thursday 15 May 2014

Being a Woman so far

What have I really learnt being a woman so far? I’m not afraid to call myself a feminist and I shouldn’t be judged in doing so. I’m not your crazy old cat lady who hates men and lives alone kind of woman, so get that imagery out of your head before I start. I came straight from an all-girl school, to an all-girl sixth form, to a mixed environment in university. It was a new experience for me; I hadn’t been in a mixed working environment like that since primary school. You would think that these higher education places would be full of mature and well-informed students. However, my experience led me to believe otherwise. In university, in the year 2014, women are still being subject to men who think they’re far superior. It’s a constant battle of the sexes when it should be a harmonious environment where we learn from each other, gain experiences, strengthen our weaknesses. This would be the case were it not for the constant battle women have to deal with lad culture. From my own experience it’s often intimidating going to the university library having to pass through groups of boys huddled by the library entrance. A place I go to regularly, it frustrates me knowing these guys believe it’s okay to ogle every woman passing through the library. We’re entitled to be able to learn in a safe environment where we’re not judged by how we look or how we’re dressed, without having the burden of been ogled by those who value their education less. You get large groups of guys at a time and it’s rather intimidating, you’re often left unsure of where to look; if you get caught accidentally making eye contact you’re instantly labelled as “interested”, it’s then okay for these guys to harass you for your number and if you don’t comply you’re “uptight”. Let me repeat, I’m not your crazy old cat lady who lives secluded in her own shadow, but to entertain you here’s what one of them looks like…

Bates, L. (2013) 'Female Students Face a Wave Of Misogyny in British Universities.’ In: The Guardian [online] At: (Accessed on 26.04.14)

How Islam Made Me a Feminist [Youtube Clip online] Pres. TedXWarwickSalon (Women) UK (2013) 15 mins At: (Accessed on 29.04.14)

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